
Suitable Ways To Attract and Retain Good Employees in Your Company

As a business owner, you know you want to attract great employees. And you want them to stay because job retention means profit because people are well informed and love what they do. The result? Fabulous customer service. And Job satisfaction.

An important question every business owner should ask themselves: What makes someone really care about their job? Read the list and choose five things you can do, starting today.

1.Fair pay

Employees understand that not all jobs are equal. The receptionist (even if some claim that this position is far too undervalued) does not expect to earn the same as the CFO. But if the responsibilities are similar, people expect to be paid the same.


Everyone plays a role in the success of the company. “Small” contributions can add up and make the workplace a great place to work. Taking a minute to show appreciation to someone, writing a thank you note on a post-it, or starting a rubber chicken award can mean more than you know. Never hesitate to give credit to those who deserve it.


Closely related to recognition, employees don’t want to wait until annual appraisals to find out how they’re doing. Honest and thoughtful feedback helps people know where they need to improve. Positive feedback motivates people to do even more.

4.Petty nonsense

We’ve all been there: a crisis or urgent matter prompts us to reach out and make things better. But the small stuff? Maddening. And morale killers. Eliminate or minimize as many day-to-day irritations as possible and your staff will carry you on their shoulders.


The more employees feel they can take control of their day, the happier they will be. If you have hired well, trust your staff to do their jobs. Your door is open if they encounter a problem or want your opinion, but otherwise expect them to get their work done on time, every time.


It can be challenging to find new tasks for employees to do, but everyone will appreciate a new challenge and the opportunity to tackle it. Boredom leads to disengagement, a company’s worst enemy. Ask your employees what they would like to do or learn. They will be thrilled with the results!


The happiest employees get along with their colleagues and even see them outside the workplace. An environment with unnecessary stress, flexibility, an attitude of acceptance, and supportive supervisors ensures that people enjoy coming to work every day.


A study by the University of Arizona showed that offering rewards makes teams more cohesive, even when members don’t all get along. Incentives don’t have to be expensive; time off, gift certificates, or a special parking spot have proven effective.


When employees respect and can trust the leadership team, they feel safe. Leaders who are approachable, can communicate well, give honest reports and listen to employees are key to job satisfaction.

The best thing you can do for your employees as a business owner is to provide them with a happy job. If they are happy, they will do everything they can to make the company successful. In the end, everyone wins!

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