Tips for finding a job after graduation
Finding a job after graduation can be challenging, especially in today’s economy. It seems like employers these days are only looking for the “perfect fit” candidate, which can make it difficult for college graduates with little or no work experience to find a job. So how can recent college graduates get started in the workforce?

Here are seven tips from our respected career experts for finding a job after graduation.
1.showcase your skills
Debra Wheatman of Careers Done Write suggests listing leadership roles in associations or other activities that demonstrate your practical skills. “You should also look for an internship,” she says. “This will enhance your resume, add to your work experience and also help you build your network.
2.Create a resume specific to your profession
“As a recent college graduate, it’s important that your resume makes the most of your experience,” says Cheryl Simpson of Executive Resume Rescue. Simpson suggests adding more keywords to your resume, better descriptions of your past accomplishments and relevant project assignments. This way, you can highlight your transferable skills to potential employers.
“As long as the jobs you’re applying for are relevant to your field of study, chances are you’re qualified for entry-level positions,” says Rachel Dotson of ZipRecruiter. “The most likely reason is that you are having a hard time communicating how your skills and experience qualify you for a particular job.
Dotson suggests going through your resume and cover letter, line by line, and asking yourself if each item meets the requirements for the job you’re applying for. You can also get industry-specific advice for your application materials from your on-campus Career Center or, even better, from former internship advisors and people currently working in your desired field.
3.modify your job search
“A byproduct of the bad economy is a serious bias for work experience and the ‘perfect fit,'” says Dorothy Tannahill-Moran of Next Chapter New Life. “It doesn’t mean that the time and work you put into your degree was for nothing. It just means it’s not enough.” In that case, she suggests modifying your job search by looking to staffing agencies, internships and volunteer work to gain some of the work experience you need.
“Employers are risk averse right now,” says Tannahill-Moran. “They only want to hire people they know have a work ethic (which they don’t want to train) and have developed the skills for the job (to reduce the costs associated with training).
4.look for something new
“Maybe you’re looking in the wrong place,” says Kathy Ver Eecke of Working For Wonka. The statistics are clear: Most new jobs are found at startups. Nearly 85% of startups say they will hire new employees in the next 12 months; nearly 10% will hire more than 10!
“The good news for college graduates is that startups always hire for mindset, not skills,” she says. “You can get a job faster with passion and enthusiasm for the product than with a resume full of relevant experience. It sounds counterintuitive, but that’s the way startups are.”
She recommends the following steps:
- Find a fast-growing new company with a product or service you think is great.
- Tell the founder of the company how much you love it
- Offer your time for free (if you can’t get a paid position)
- Make yourself indispensable
- “In a startup, every pair of hands, every available brain, is well used,” she says. “You’d be surprised what they’ll let you do. If they ultimately can’t hire you, you’ve gotten the boost you wanted on your resume.”
5.Do unpaid internships
“Unpaid work doesn’t mean it’s not valid work experience,” says Jenny Yerrick Martin of Your Industry Insider. “And if you don’t have unpaid work on your resume and can’t get hired, offer to work unpaid for entrepreneurs or small businesses in your field and/or volunteer at events in your industry. This adds experience to your resume and allows you to network and prove yourself to people who might hire you.”
6.Never stop learning
“Don’t let graduation be the end of your learning,” says Ben Eubanks of Upstart HR. “Start reading books, industry blogs, magazines, etc. to keep up with the latest and greatest in your field.” Eubanks suggests finding a local nonprofit and volunteering there so you can add that experience to your resume.
“If there’s one thing you take away, it’s this: you’re the only one who can change this,” he says. “Hoping a recruiter will lower the bar or ‘just give you a chance’ is not the answer; the only thing you can count on is becoming a more knowledgeable and attractive candidate.
7.Do not give up
“Network, network, network, and keep looking,” says career coach Arleen Bradley. “Apply for internships in your field and especially at companies where you want to work. When you volunteer for what you want to do professionally, you gain experience.”
We hope these seven tips will help you find your first job after college. It’s competitive out there, but you can do it. Search at to find the best job opportunities and internships. You’re more qualified than you think you are!